25 September 2012

Bhiksha Raj Talk about Privacy-Preserving Speech and Audio Processing


Date: September 28th, 14h
Place: Room 020, INESC-ID
Speaker: Bhiksha Raj Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Bhiksha Raj
Bhiksha Raj is an Associate Professor in the Language Technologies Institute of the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, with additional affiliations to the Electrical and Computer Engineering and Machine Learning departments. Dr. Raj obtained his Ph.D. from CMU in 2000 and was at Mistubishi Electric Research Laboratories from 2001-2008. Dr. Raj's chief research interests lie in automatic speech recognition, computer audition, machine learning and data privacy. Dr. Raj's latest research interests lie in the newly emerging field of privacy-preserving speech processing, in which his research group has made several contributions.

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