24 January 2012

Vital Responder Project at Porto Canal

This project is carried out in the scope of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology.

PIs: João Paulo Cunha (IEETA/UA), Prya Narasimhan (CMU)
Dual Degree Ph.D. Student: Ye Can (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Teams: IT, UP, IEETA/UA, Carnegie Mellon, Firefighters from Vila Nova de Gaia and from Amarante
Companies: Biodevices, McLaren, Petratex

The goal of the Vital Responder research project is to explore the synergies between innovative wearable technologies, scattered sensor networks, intelligent building technology and precise localization services to provide secure, reliable and effective first-response systems in critical emergency scenarios.

More information available at http://www.cmuportugal.org/tiercontent.aspx?id=1556

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