08 June 2010

UTEN Portugal Workshop: Corporate Partnering to Facilitate University Commercialization Activities

Industry Focus: Commercialization and Technology Transfer in Information and Communication Technology

Date: June 15-16, 2010
Place: Faculdade de Ciências Económicas e Empresariais da Universidade Católica, Lisbon
Room: 520-A
Organizers: UTEN Portugal, Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program
url: www.utenportugal.org
Registration: www.cmuportugal.org

Presenters from Carnegie Mellon University will discuss the ways in which the university engages with external partners in the process of innovation and technology commercialization. An overview of each speaker’s area will be provided as well as strategies introduced to achieve the greatest benefits for the university, its faculty and its partners. The keynote speaker will present an overview of current trends in telecom industry and exciting new opportunities.

Keynote Speaker:
Hyong Kim, Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering, CMU

Invited Speakers:
Gene Hambrick, Corporate Relations of CyLab
Bill Swisher, Acting Senior Director, Corporate and Foundation Relations
Curt Stone, Executive in Residence at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA, Director of the QoLT Foundry and Industry Liaison
Tara Brandstad, Associate Director, Center for Technology Transfer and Enterprise Creation (CTTEC)
MaryBeth Shaw, Assistant General Counsel
Amir Anwar, Director of International Alumni Relations
Joanne Kyriacopoulos, Export Control Compliance Officer

Advanced Corporate Partnering (15th June)
Various examples of corporate partnering arrangements will be introduced and discussed, including corporate gifts, Sponsored Research Agreements, Consortium Agreements, Licenses and the use of Master Agreements. In addition, the panel will discuss, cultivating corporate partnerships, and alumni relationships, and efforts to attract key corporate partners to facilities on or near campus. Attendees will be introduced to Carnegie Mellon’s CyLab (cyber security) Consortium and Quality of Life ERC Consortium. Representatives will discuss the consortium structures, relationships with corporate members, member rights and privileges and models for commercialization partnerships. Specific issues in corporate partnering will be addressed, including publication, intellectual property ownership, the use of university facilities, access to students and faculty conflict of interest and consulting.

Hands-on Working Sessions (16th June)
The Case Study sessions are intended to be interactive working sessions. Each case study will be introduced by one of the presenters. The participants will break into working groups to address and discuss the relevant issues of the case, followed by a group discussion. Case studies will focus on the details of various types of agreements commonly entered into with corporate partners, and may include sponsored research agreements, consortium agreements, licenses, and corporate gifts.

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