We are a research/educational partnership between several top-rated Portuguese universities, and the Carnegie Mellon University. Students in any of our masters or Ph.D. programs (http://www.cmuportugal.org) take courses from professors in both locations; upon graduation they receive dual degrees. Faculty have interdisciplinary and intercultural research grants opportunities. For more information, please contact us at news@cmuportugal.org.
16 December 2010
Workshop: Frontiers in Entrepreneurship research: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Human Capital
Place: Católica Lisbon, School of Business and Economics, Lisbon, Portugal
One of the major socio-economic trends since the 1990s has been the rise of entrepreneurshipvas a driver of innovation, competitiveness and economic development. One central aspect in the creation and growth of knowledge-based firms is the role played by the human capital of the entrepreneur. Human capital entails the stock of knowledge and skills that reside within individuals and that can be developed over time. This includes general human capital, which comprises formal education, and previous job-market experience. But it also entails specific human capital, encompassing prior experiences that might be more relevant for an individual to decide on engaging in the development of knowledge-based firms. For instance, entrepreneurial experience, top management experience, or previous work experience in the same sector where the new firm is being started are likely to endow individuals with knowledge and skills that are specific for the tasks required from a knowledge-based entrepreneur.
The last two decades have seen the emergence of encompassing data sources linking individuals and firms over time. Such data sets are rare and hard to access. These longitudinal datasets can be used to track the evolution of markets and individual firm performance as well as individuals’ professional and entrepreneurial experiences over time, allowing for the examination of their decisions and behavioral patterns in the labor market. Some of these longitudinal datasets match employees, employers, patents and their characteristics over time.
This workshop aims to present and discuss cutting edge work from leading researchers in the areas of entrepreneurship and innovation focusing on the role played by human capital in the entrepreneurial and innovation processes. Most papers will leverage new longitudinal databases, often in connection with other complementary sources of data.
Scientific Coordination:
• Rui Baptista, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (IST-UTL)
• Steven Klepper, Social and Decision Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
• Pedro Oliveira, Católica Lisbon, School of Business and Economics (FCEE-Católica)• Francisco Veloso, Católica Lisbon, School of Business and Economics (FCEE- Católica) and Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
See the Agenda at http://www.cmuportugal.org/tiercontent.aspx?id=3174
11 November 2010
2010 MSE Seminars of Software Engineering: SCRUM: Agile Software Development
Organization: University of Coimbra | Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program
[Admission is free with the registration 3 days prior to each seminar]
- Organization and management of agile teams
- Efficient Management of Requirements
- Planning and monitoring
- Estimate
- Software Engineers - Team Leaders and Project Managers
- Companies interested in participating in the program CMU | Portugal
Professor Mário Zenha-Rela, University of Coimbra / Carnegie Mellon University
Professor Licinio Roque, University of Coimbra / Carnegie Mellon University
Professor Pedro Bizarro, University of Coimbra / Carnegie Mellon University
Professor Paulo Rupino, Universidade de Coimbra / Carnegie Mellon University
More information available at http://www.cmuportugal.org/tiercontent.aspx?id=3118
10 November 2010
Priberam Machine Learning Lunch Seminar: Learning simple texture discrimination filters, by Rui Guerreiro (ISR)
Date: Tuesday, November 16nd, 2010
Time: 13:00
Lunch will be provided
Everyday tasks like walking on the street, recognizing a friend or understanding a scene seem so simple and immediate that transposing it to a computer might seem like an easy task. Only when we try it do we realize our immense talent, as humans, in making sense of the data that reaches our senses. In this talk I illustrate some of these difficulties and particularize for the context of texture discrimination. I introduce a simple supervised learning approach (using Genetic Algorithms) that enables high-frame rate texture discrimination and compare it with current state-of-the-art methods. I further particularize the general methodology to rotationally discriminant and rotationally invariant discrimination. I conclude with experimental results, which illustrate that it is successful in capturing the essence of the texture discrimination problem.
Rui Guerreiro received his licenciatura (2002) and MSc (2003) degrees from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Portugal, in Electrical & Electronical Engineering, the latter on the topic of 2D-to-3D conversion using Structure from Motion. In 2003, he joined Siemens S.A. in Lisbon where he worked in high-speed circuit design for communication systems.~In 2005, he joined the Video Processing Group of Philips Research, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, where he worked on picture enhancement topics (motion estimation, halo-free frame-rate up-conversion, multi-band enhancement, temporal compression artifact suppression, spatial color processing, color therapy), 2D-to-3D conversion for 3D-TVs (scene classification, depth-from-focus, motion-based segmentation) and supervised student work on low-cost gaze tracking. In 2009, he started a PhD at IST, on perception-based 2D-to-3D conversion. He has 4 patents and 9 peer-reviewed publications on these topics.
04 November 2010
Anthony Rowe Gives a Lecture in Portugal On Embedded Sensing Systems For Energy-Efficiency In Buildings
Speaker: Anthony Rowe, Carnegie Mellon University
Organization: The Instituto de Telecomunicações and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Place: FEUP Building I, Room I-105
Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) is a promising technique for disaggregating per-appliance energy consumption in buildings from aggregate voltage/current measurements. One major limitation of the approach is that it typically requires a training phase during which users must manually label device transitions. This talk presents an inexpensive contactless electromagnetic field (EMF) event-detector that can detect appliance state changes within close proximity based on magnetic and electric field fluctuations. Each detector wirelessly transmits state changes via a sensor network to a circuit-panel energy meter, which can then be used to label and disambiguate appliance transitions detected from the aggregate signals as well as to track the associated energy consumption. Our EMF sensors are able to detect significant power state changes from a few inches away making it possible to externally monitor in-wall wiring to devices (e.g., overhead lights). We also address how this technology can be used as a first step towards the broader goal of net-zero energy buildings.
Anthony Rowe is an Assistant Research Professor at Carnegie Mellon University. He received a Ph.D. in ECE from CMU in 2010. His research interests include networked real-time embedded systems for sensor and actuator applications. Currently, he is investigating how to design future embedded systems to support applications ranging from building energy optimization to hazardous work-zone safety that are energy-efficient and provide real-time properties.
18 October 2010
07 October 2010
NET-SCIP Workshop on Security
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (room B032)
registration form
11:00-11:10: Opening Session
Nuno Neves and André Zúquete, Chair and Co-chair of the Steering Committee of NET-SCIP
11:10-12:00: Invited Presentation
The eXpressive Internet Architecture – A Proposal for a Future Internet Architecture, Peter Steenkiste (ECE/CMU)
12:00-13:00: Session I
(Chair: André Zúquete, Univ. Aveiro)
Management and Security in IPv6-enabled and Performance Controlled Wireless Sensor Networks, Jorge Granjal, Vasco Pereira, Edmundo Monteiro, Jorge Silva (Univ. Coimbra)
Security Services for Wireless Sensor Networks, Henrique Domingos (Univ. Nova de Lisboa)
Sensors, Vehicles and Things: Securing the New Species on the Internet, João Barros (Univ. Porto)
Efficiency and Security Gains via Randomness Reuse Across Different Cryptographic Primitives, Afonso Arriaga, Manuel Barbosa, Pooya Farshim (Univ. Minho)
13:00-14:00: Lunch & Networking
14:00-14:45: Invited Presentation
Manuel Barros (ANACOM)
14:45-16:00: Session II
(Chair: Manuel Barbosa, Univ. Minho)
Vital Responder: A Multi-Dimensional Approach to Security and Critical Infrastructures for First Responders, João Cunha (Univ. Aveiro), Fábio Marques (Univ. Aveiro), Fausto Vieira (Univ. Porto), Miguel Coimbra (Univ. Porto), João Barros (Univ. Porto)
Policy Based and Trust Management for Critical Infrastructure Protection, Filipe Caldeira, Edmundo Monteiro, Paulo Simões (Univ. Coimbra)
TRONE: Trustworthy and Resilient Operations in a Network Environment, P. Veríssimo (Univ. Lisboa), F. Araújo (Univ. Coimbra), J. Alegria (PT), P. Narasimhan (CMU), A. Casimiro (Univ. Lisboa)
Securing Web Applications and Services, Marco Vieira (Univ. Coimbra)
Language Based Security for Database Access Control, João Seco, Jorge Perez, Hugo Vieira, Luís Caires (Univ. Nova de Lisboa)
16:00-16:30: Coffee Break
16:30-17:30: Session III
(Chair: Luís Caires, Univ. Nova de Lisboa)
Machine Assisted Verification Tools for Cryptography, Paulo Silva, Manuel Barbosa (Univ. Minho)
Detection of Covert Communications Using Vector Machines, Francisco Rente, Mário Rela (Univ. Coimbra)
STRAP: Security APIs for Transportation Privacy, Pedro Adão (Univ. Técnica de Lisboa)
Security Breach in Portuguese Citizen Card, António Damasceno, André Silva (Univ. Coimbra / CMU)
17:30-18:00: Closing Panel – Funding opportunities in the 7th ICT upcoming calls
More information available at http://net-scip.cmuportugal.org.
Keynote Speech: "Computational Social Analytics: the iLab@Heinz experience"
Tuesday 12/10/2010, 17:00-18:30, FEUP (Room B032)
"Computational Social Analytics: the iLab@Heinz experience"
Professor Ramayya Krishnan, Dean, Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University
Abstract:The increasing use of digital devices and instrumented networks enables detailed data to be collected about how people live their lives, communicate, collaborate and conduct work. These data provide an unprecedented opportunity to leverage both computation and social science to develop new behavioral theories and to pioneer new privacy- preserving analytic techniques with applications in societal and commercial contexts. Recognizing the inherently inter-disciplinary nature of the effort, the iLab at the Heinz College has convened a group of faculty from around the CMU campus with expertise in social science (sociology and economics), marketing science, optimization, machine learning and statistics and compiled a set of large societal scale data sets in multiple contexts from different nations (e.g., India and Portugal). This talk will discuss some examples of research conducted at the lab and discuss preliminary evidence of what has been accomplished to date.
Keynote Speech: “The Climate Problem is an Energy Problem: Issues in decarbonizing electricity and transportation”
Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (UTL) [Room AE1]
18.00 – 19.00 Reception and Keynote Speech on Energy and Climate Change
“The Climate Problem is an Energy Problem: Issues in decarbonizing electricity and transportation”Professor Granger Morgan, Head, Department of Engineering and Public Policy, CMU
More information available at http://www.cmuportugal.org/tiercontent.aspx?id=2960
22 September 2010
NET-SCIP Workshop on Security
Place: Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
Call for position abstracts
Call for participation
The Innovation Network on Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection (NET-SCIP) is currently gathering the scientific community, the private sector and the main government agencies in Portugal with the goal of developing comparative advantages in new security technologies, services, and protection of critical infrastructures.
As part of this initiative, NET-SCIP is organising a one-day workshop on the 13th of October 2010 at Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal. Researchers, professionals and practitioners interested in participating are invited to submit a 1-page position abstract outlining the topic of their ongoing work and interests. Selected submissions will be invited for presentation at the workshop.
The organisers wish to especially encourage industry professionals and junior researchers (Ph.D. students, post-docs) to consider participating in this workshop.
Theme & topics:
The convergence of telecommunication networks, information systems and control technologies has become a reality. The internet is more and more the platform of choice for the many information flows that support critical infrastructures and critical information and communication systems. Examples include energy and fuel networks, supply chains for materials, water and food, transportation networks and healthcare systems, as well as medium and large enterprises exploring business relationships in a open global market of inter-dependent services. At the same time sophisticated technologies based on sensor networks allow for the aggregation of physical data in real time with respect to spaces, equipment and people.
Given the growing inter-dependence of all these systems, the impact of cyber-attacks is no longer circumscribed to particular information systems and is now a real threat both to the infrastructures and basic services on which we all depend in our everyday life.
Centered on scientific and technological advancement, NET-SCIP shall promote an inter-disciplinary approach by which experts from engineering, basic sciences, economy, design and psychology come together to create new knowledge and develop security solutions for all kinds of users and companies.
Important dates:
30 September 2010: Submission of position papers
5 October 2010: Notification of acceptance
13 October 2010: Workshop is held
Submission: send position abstracts to:
For more information, please visit
"Portugal: Effort to Align Academe and Industry Relies on Campus Partnerships"
Read the full article at http://www.cmuportugal.org/tiercontent.aspx?id=2930
03 September 2010
FCT Announced the Results of the Call for Research and Development Projects under the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program
SELF-PVP: Self-Organizing Power Management for Photo-Voltaic Power Plants
Vítor Manuel Grade Tavares, Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores do Porto (INESC Porto/FE/UP).
ATTEST: AlgoriThms and Tools for reasoning about dEpendable SysTems
João Paulo Marques Silva, Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa (INESC ID/INESC/IST/UTL).
The Role of ‘User Innovators’ in the Development of Telecom Products and Services
Pedro Manuel Sousa Mendes Oliveira, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP).
TRONE: Trustworthy and Resilient Operations in a Network Environment Paulo Jorge Esteves Veríssimo, Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências (FFC/FC/UL).
MAIS-S: Multiagent Intelligent Surveillance System
Francisco António Chaves Saraiva de Melo, Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa (INESC ID/INESC/IST/UTL).
Novel Information Processing Methodologies for Intelligent Sensor Networks
João Manuel de Freitas Xavier, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST/UTL).
NeTS: Next Generation Network Operations and Management Ricardo Santos Morla, Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores do Porto (INESC Porto/FE/UP).
Assuring Dependability in Architecture-based Adaptive Systems Rogerio Sergio Neves de Lemos, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra (FCT/UC).
Affidavit - Automating the Proof of Quality Attributes for Large Scale Software Architectures
Mário Alberto da Costa Zenha Rela, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra (FCT/UC).
Innovation and the Global Economy: An Investigation of critical Challenges for Intellectual Property, Strategy and Policy in IT and beyond Fernando Manuel Ribeiro Branco, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP).
Toward Dynamic Monitoring and Decision (DYMONDS)-Based Smart Distribution Systems
Luis António Fialho Marcelino Ferreira, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST/UTL).
Cyber-Physical Systems Technologies for Energy-Optimized Data Centers Eduardo Manuel de Médicis Tovar, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP/IPP).
More information available at: http://alfa.fct.mctes.pt/apoios/projectos/consulta/areas.phtml.en?idElemConcurso=3180
2010 Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program Student Orientation at Carnegie Mellon
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
5:00 – 6:30 p.m
Welcome and ICTI Program Overview
Professor José M.F. Moura, Director ICTI@CMU, and Electrical and Computer Engineering faculty member
Proper Attribution, Advisors role
Professor Peter Steenkiste, Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering faculty member, and ICTI@CMU Area Coordinator for CS and ECE
Expectations & Experiences
Presentation by 3 continuing ICTI@CMU students:
· ECE: Luis Brandão
· EPP: Patrick Agyapong
· EPP: Alexandre Mateus
02 August 2010
Post-doctoral Academy in Mathematics 2010
Place: Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Campus da Caparica (How to reach the campus?)
Organizers: Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program and UT Austin Portugal Program
More information availale at http://www.cmuportugal.org/tiercontent.aspx?id=2860
Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program Student Orientation in Portugal
Location: Coimbra
More information available at http://www.cmuportugal.org/tiercontent.aspx?id=2862
08 June 2010
UTEN Portugal Workshop: Corporate Partnering to Facilitate University Commercialization Activities
Date: June 15-16, 2010
Place: Faculdade de Ciências Económicas e Empresariais da Universidade Católica, Lisbon
Room: 520-A
Organizers: UTEN Portugal, Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program
url: www.utenportugal.org
Registration: www.cmuportugal.org
Presenters from Carnegie Mellon University will discuss the ways in which the university engages with external partners in the process of innovation and technology commercialization. An overview of each speaker’s area will be provided as well as strategies introduced to achieve the greatest benefits for the university, its faculty and its partners. The keynote speaker will present an overview of current trends in telecom industry and exciting new opportunities.
Keynote Speaker:
Hyong Kim, Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering, CMU
Invited Speakers:
Gene Hambrick, Corporate Relations of CyLab
Bill Swisher, Acting Senior Director, Corporate and Foundation Relations
Curt Stone, Executive in Residence at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA, Director of the QoLT Foundry and Industry Liaison
Tara Brandstad, Associate Director, Center for Technology Transfer and Enterprise Creation (CTTEC)
MaryBeth Shaw, Assistant General Counsel
Amir Anwar, Director of International Alumni Relations
Joanne Kyriacopoulos, Export Control Compliance Officer
Advanced Corporate Partnering (15th June)
Various examples of corporate partnering arrangements will be introduced and discussed, including corporate gifts, Sponsored Research Agreements, Consortium Agreements, Licenses and the use of Master Agreements. In addition, the panel will discuss, cultivating corporate partnerships, and alumni relationships, and efforts to attract key corporate partners to facilities on or near campus. Attendees will be introduced to Carnegie Mellon’s CyLab (cyber security) Consortium and Quality of Life ERC Consortium. Representatives will discuss the consortium structures, relationships with corporate members, member rights and privileges and models for commercialization partnerships. Specific issues in corporate partnering will be addressed, including publication, intellectual property ownership, the use of university facilities, access to students and faculty conflict of interest and consulting.
Hands-on Working Sessions (16th June)
The Case Study sessions are intended to be interactive working sessions. Each case study will be introduced by one of the presenters. The participants will break into working groups to address and discuss the relevant issues of the case, followed by a group discussion. Case studies will focus on the details of various types of agreements commonly entered into with corporate partners, and may include sponsored research agreements, consortium agreements, licenses, and corporate gifts.
Workshop: "Social Sciences and Engineering: what I need; what I can offer"
- A workshop to build an interdisciplinary research agenda in IT and beyond -
Date: June 15th, 2010
Place: Faculdade de Ciências Económicas e Empresariais da Universidade Católica, Lisbon
Organizers: Ricardo Morla (UPorto) and Francisco Veloso (CMU/UCP)
Room: 537
Registration: http://www.cmuportugal.org/tiercontent.aspx?id=2684
The objective of this workshop is to bring researchers from ECE and CS together with those in Economics, Business and the Social Sciences to discuss and develop cross-disciplinary research questions in the strategic directions of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program.
The workshop will go from 9am to 1pm on Tuesday, June 15. There will be 4 short targeted presentations followed by periods of longer discussion. Two presentations will be based on a social science issue, paper or method and will be asking or suggesting how the engineering and natural sciences research can contribute to the issue at hand. Conversely, there will be two presentation from ECE/CS researchers which will also be asking or suggesting dimensions in which the social sciences can help. The discussion will be used to try to deepen the potential theme where joint projects could emerge. A summary of the conclusions will be made available.
Topics and Leaders
1) Networks and social analytics - looking for an engineering perspective (Pedro Ferreira, DEEC-IST)
2) Engineering applications and need to understand the role and impact on the market (Rui José, DSI-U.Minho)
3) Massive data, social sciences questions and opportunities to use engineering and science methods (Miguel Amaral, DEG-IST)
4) Machine learning tools and methods applied to the social sciences (Jaime Cardoso, DEEC-U.Porto).
03 June 2010
2010 Annual Carnegie Mellon Portugal Conference: “Smart Tech for Real People“
Our main annual event will gather the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program community – academics, researchers, students, and industry partners – to present the latest results of the partnership, and help shape the future.
The program includes:
- research talks by Carnegie Mellon Portugal faculty, researchers and MS/Ph.D. students
- technical contributions by our industrial affiliates
- results and demos by all teams of ongoing research projects
- presentations of the new innovation networks: Security and Critical Infrastructures Protection (NET-SCIP), Future Internet Services and Technologies (NET-FIT), Services and Technologies for Interactive Media (NET-STIM), and Software Engineering (SEI Portugal).
- welcome and closing addresses by senior government officials
- networking opportunities for students, faculty, researchers and industrial affiliates.
Registrations are now open! More information available at http://conference2010.cmuportugal.org/ .
26 May 2010
Carnegie Mellon Portugal program Launches Master of Entertainment Technology
This is not a Master of Science nor a Master of Arts or Fine Arts degree—rather a unique, specialized degree program in the interdisciplinary field of entertainment technology. Your diploma will say; Master of Entertainment Technology. The MET is considered a professional, terminal degree. It is the academic pinnacle of studies in this field, thus having greater significance than the M.A. or M.S., and the equivalent academic weight of the M.F.A. and/or M.B.A. degree.
The ETC does not turn artists into technologists, or vice-versa. While some students will be able to achieve mastery in both areas, it is not our intent to have our students master 'the other side.' Instead, we intend for a typical student in this program to enter with mastery or training in a specific area and spend his or her two years learning the vocabulary, values, and working patterns of the other culture. This learning will be evidenced by their ability to work effectively with those who are expert in it.
Scholarships available! - Students admitted to the MET will be eligible for scholarships from company sponsors and the Madeira Science and Technology Center.
More informations available at: http://www.m-iti.org/met .
* Applications for the 2010 edition still available *
03 May 2010
ECE Back to Basics: Energy Efficiency: the Transition to Solid State Lighting
ECE Back to Basics: Energy Efficiency: the Transition to Solid State Lighting
Speaker: Inês Lima Azevedo, Carnegie Mellon University, Dep. Eng. and Public Policy
Place: Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
Back to Basics is an international colloquium on fundamental tools for research in Electrical and Computer Engineering, held weekly at FEUP, the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (UPorto).
Lighting constitutes more than 20% of total U.S. electricity consumption, a similar fraction in the European Union, and an even higher fraction in many developing countries. Because many current lighting technologies are highly inefficient, improved technologies for lighting hold great potential for energy savings and for reducing associated greenhouse gas emissions. Solid-state lighting shows great promise as a source of efficient, affordable, color-balanced white light. Indeed, assuming market discount rates, engineering-economic analysis demonstrates that white solid state lighting already has a lower levelized annual cost (LAC) than incandescent bulbs. The LAC for white solid-state lighting will be lower than that of the most efficient fluorescent bulbs by the end of this decade. However, a large literature indicates that households do not make their decisions in terms of simple expected economic value. After a review of the technology, we compare the electricity consumption, carbon emissions, and cost-effectiveness of current lighting technologies, accounting for expected performance evolution through 2015. We then simulate the lighting electricity consumption and implicit greenhouse gases emissions for the U.S. residential and commercial sectors through 2015 under different policy scenarios: voluntary solid-state lighting adoption, implementation of lighting standards in new construction, and rebate programs or equivalent subsidies. Finally, we provide a measure of cost-effectiveness for solid state lighting in the context of other climate change abatement policies.
Short bio
Azevedo’s research interests lie at the intersection of environmental, technical, and economic issues, such as how to address the challenge of climate change and to move towards a more sustainable energy system. She tackles complex problems in which traditional engineering plays an important role but cannot provide a complete answer. In particular, she has been looking at how energy systems are likely to be shaped in the future, which requires comprehensive knowledge not only of the technologies that can address future energy needs but also of the decision-making process followed by different agents in the economy. Azevedo has also been working on assessing how specific policies will shape future energy systems, especially in a carbon-constrained world.
More informations available at www.cmuportugal.org
29 April 2010
Workshop on Facilitating Adoption of Parallel Computing
May 5th, 2010
Workshop on Facilitating Adoption of Parallel Computing
Place: Carnegie Mellon University, USA
On Wednesday, May 5, in GHC 7501, the Carnegie Mellon Portugal sponsored Æminium - Freeing Programmers from the Shackles of Sequentiality project is holding an informal workshop at Carnegie Mellon University.
This workshop focuses on research approaches intended to facilitate the practical adoption of parallel computing. These may include engineering approaches, new models of parallel computing, approaches for verification and reasoning in the presence of concurrency, and approaches for teaching parallel computing.
The current schedule of topics is listed below. We would like to emphasize discussion in the workshop, so our plan is to avoid long presentations. However, potential participants may propose to give a 5-minute lightning talks in one or two sessions, the purpose being to introduce ideas for discussion. The organizers will select a number of talks consistent with leaving the majority of each session for open discussion. We want to encourage discussion of work in progress; therefore, participants should be aware that some ideas presented may not yet be published and therefore should not be shared outside the workshop.
9:00 a.m. Welcome and Workshop Introduction
9:15 a.m. Engineering Parallelism: What Works in Practice
10:15 a.m. Break
10:30 a.m. New Programming Models Facilitating Adoption of Parallelism
12:00 p.m. Lunch (provided for workshop participants, RSVP below)
1:00 p.m. Verification: Helping Developers Reason about Concurrency
2:00 p.m. Hardware Factors in Parallel Computing
2:45 p.m. Break
3:00 p.m. Teaching Parallel Computing
3:30 p.m. Wrapup
4:00 p.m. Informal Follow-up
* Please RSVP * to kari+@cs.cmu.edu for lunch, and optionally provide a topic on which you would like to give a lightning talk.
* Note: we use the term parallel to mean that many computations occur simultaneously on different processor cores, including both data parallelism and task parallelism. We use concurrent to mean a programming model with multiple threads of control, which may introduce non-determinism due to interference, and may or may not be executed in parallel. The workshop discussion will include both deterministic and concurrent forms of parallelism.
Interested faculty and students are invited to participate.
Seminar Series on ICTs Policy Research: Innovations and Upgrades in Virtualized Network Architectures
Seminar Series on ICTs Policy Research: Innovations and Upgrades in Virtualized Network Architectures
Speaker: Dr. Paul Laskowski, Graduate of the UC Berkeley School of Information
Place: Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon or through WebEx
Within today’s network industry, certain markets are renowned for their abundance of innovation (file-sharing networks, social networking applications), while others are more famous for resisting new technologies (land-line telephones, network-layer architecture). In this talk, I will argue that such differences are rooted in the way money flows through the network system. A simple model reveals three representative paths that money can take among users, network providers, and service providers. Using a novel economic theory, the classic model of Cournot competition can be generalized to explore all three market types, and compare them in terms of investment levels.
Applying this theory, I will investigate the contemporary movement to large-scale, “virtualized” testbeds. Faced with the difficulty of making changes to the internet architecture, researchers have recently turned to testbeds as a place to deploy new services. Despite the excitement, uncertainty surrounds the question of how technologies can bridge the gap from testbed to global availability. It is recognized that no amount of validation will spur today’s providers to make architectural changes, so if new services are to reach a widespread audience, the testbed itself must provide that reach. I will therefore analyze two questions: First, would today’s network providers (or a new set of providers) ever support a virtualized architecture on a global scale? Second, even if they did, would such a network, spanning a great many domains, support the adoption of new services or upgrades to the infrastructure?
More informations available at www.cmuportugal.org
27 April 2010
Priberam Machine Learning Lunch Seminar: "Towards Closing the Loop: Active Learning for Robotics"
Priberam Machine Learning Lunch Seminar: "Towards Closing the Loop: Active Learning for Robotics"
Speaker: Ruben Martinez-Cantin
05 April 2010
Second Round of Applications for 2010: Professional Master's dual degree in Software Engineering (MSE)
The University of Coimbra and the Carnegie Mellon University offer jointly the professional Master's dual degree in Software Engineering (MSE), under the Carnegie Mellon | Portugal program.
Second Round of Admissions: Application Deadline May 28th, 2010
More information's available at http://mse.dei.uc.pt/.
Second round of Applications for the 2010: Professional Master’s dual degree in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Change your career! - Second round of applications for the 2010 edition due 15th April - Apply now!
Scholarships available! - Students admitted to the MHCI will be eligible for scholarships from company sponsors and the Madeira Science and Technology Center.
More informations at: http://www.m-iti.org/mhci
31 March 2010
23 March 2010
SEMINAR SERIES on ICTs POLICY RESEARCH: How Market Regulation Affects Network and Service Quality in Related Markets
Gordon Klein
Tuesday, March 23th 2010 16:30pm
Room 5.09, 5th floor, North Tower, Instituto Superior Técnico
Refreshments provided
This paper analyzes the effect regulation of network infrastructure has on complementary service markets. In particular, the paper proposes a theoretical model that explains the interactions of regulation in a network sector with investement in network infrastructure and investements in complementary markets. As we will show access regulation negatively aspects the network operator’s incentives to invest into network quality, but this may be more than compensated by the increase in investment incentives for providers of complementary services so that access regulation may actually increase the perceived overall quality level for final consumers.
Please follow the instructions some minutes before 4:30am (GMT) and join the online meeting room.
Topic: Gordon Klein - How Market Regulation Affects Network and Service Quality in Related Markets
Date: Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Time: 4:30 pm, GMT Time (London, GMT)
Meeting Number: 842 075 914
Meeting Password: epp2010
To join the online meeting (Now from iPhones too!)
1. Go to https://ist-epp.webex.com/ist-epp-en/j.php?ED=134181287&UID=0&PW=NNzA2Y2ZhMzg2&RT=MiMyMQ%3D%3D
2. Enter your name and email address.
3. Enter the meeting password: epp2010
4. Click "Join Now".
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09 March 2010
1st Workshop on the Economics of ICTs
The goal of this event is to discuss the recent changes in the telecommunications sector: competition between networks and between operators, the after-markets, the entry of new firms and sector regulation. The keynote speech will be done by José Manuel Amado da Silva, president of ANACOM. This workshop is intended for academics, Ph.D. and MSc Students, policy markets, and members of industry.
To register please contact Ana Bonança (abonanca@fep.up.pt).
More informations available at
Carnegie Mellon|Portugal Program Celebrates Success of Scholars at 2010 Diploma Ceremony
For more: http://www.cmu.edu/news/archive/2010/February/feb19_portugalgraduation.shtml
04 March 2010
Priberam Machine Learning Lunch Seminar: "Text-Driven Forecasting: Meaning as a Real Number"
Venue: IST Alameda, Sala PA2 (Edifício de Pós-Graduação)
Date: Tuesday, March 9th, 2010
Time: 13:00
Lunch will be provided
We take inspiration from recent research on sentiment analysis that interprets text based on the subjective attitude of the author. We consider related tasks where a piece of text is interpreted to predict some extrinsic, real-valued outcome of interest that can be observed in non-text data. Examples include:
* The interpretation of an annual financial report from a company to its shareholders is the risk incurred by investing in the company in the coming year.
* The interpretation of a critic's review of a film is the film's box office success.
* The interpretation of a political blog post is the response it garners from readers.
* The interpretation of a day's microblog feeds is the public's opinion about a particular issue.
In all of these cases, one aspect of the text's meaning is observable from objective real-world data, although perhaps not immediately at the time the text is published (respectively: return volatility, gross revenue, user comments, and traditional polls). We propose a generic approach to text-driven forecasting that is expected to benefit from linguistic analysis while remaining neutral to different theories of language. A highly attractive property of this line of research is that evaluation is objective, inexpensive, and theory-neutral. This approach introduces some methodological challenges, as well.
We conjecture that forecasting tasks, when considered in concert, will be a driving force in domain-specific, empirical, and extrinsically useful natural language analysis. Further, this research direction will push NLP to consider the language of a more diverse subset of the population, and may support inquiry in the social sciences about foreknowledge and communication in societies.
This talk includes joint work with Ramnath Balasubramanyan, William Cohen, Dipanjan Das, Kevin Gimpel, Mahesh Joshi, Shimon Kogan, Dimitry Levin, Brendan O'Connor, Bryan Routledge, Jacob Sagi, and Tae Yano.
Bio: Noah Smith is an assistant professor in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science, as a Hertz Foundation Fellow, from Johns Hopkins University in 2006 and his B.S. in Computer Science and B.A. in Linguistics from the University of Maryland in 2001. His research interests include statistical natural language processing, especially unsupervised methods, machine learning for structured data, and applications of natural language processing. He serves on the editorial board of the journal Computational Linguistics and received a best paper award at the ACL 2009 conference. His ten-person group, Noah's ARK, is supported by the NSF, DARPA, Qatar NRF, Portugal FCT, and gifts from Google, HP Labs, and IBM Research.
SEMINAR SERIES on ICTs POLICY RESEARCH: Estimating the impact of telecommunications policies on mobile penetration and usage
Tuesday, March 9th 2010 17:00pm
Room 5.09, 5th floor, North Tower, Instituto Superior Técnico
This paper estimates the impact of telecommunications policies on mobile penetration and usage across developed and emerging markets. The analysis takes into account non-policy drivers and the interaction different policies have on each other. Our analysis shows that explicit policy decisions such as the level of mobile termination rate (MTRs) and taxation rate on profits have large and significant effects on penetration. Mobile usage, on the other hand, is poorly explained by the observed policy variables. As such, policies designed to increase usage would likely be ineffective. These findings are important as we see pressure worldwide for an acceleration of reduction in the level of MTRs and an increasing trend of higher taxation on mobile operators. Both of these policies are likely to lead to a lower level of mobile penetration than would otherwise be the case.
For those who won't be able to be in the conference room at IST, you can attend the seminar online through WebEx (link and instructions below).
More informations available at www.cmuportugal.org.
16 February 2010
New Innovation Networks in Key Focused Areas of ICT
For this purpose, three different thematic events sponsored by FCT, one for each innovation network, shall join corporate executives and members of the scientific community:
1) Innovation Forum on Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection (NET-SCIP), Coimbra, on the morning of Monday, February 22, 2010. read more
2) Innovation Forum on Future Internet Services and Technologies (NET- FIT), Lisbon, on the morning of Tuesday, February 23, 2010. read more
3) Innovation Forum on Services and Technologies for Interactive Media (NET-STIM), Lisbon, on the morning of Wednesday, February 24, 2010. read more
The three networks shall build on the ongoing research and education activities of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal program and are envisioned to become active platforms for fruitful interactions between industry and academia.
The thematic events, which also feature the latest outcomes of the international partnership to the general public, are included in the visit to Portugal of the President of Carnegie Mellon University, Dr. Jared Cohon, and the Dean of Engineering, Dr. Pradeep Khosla, scheduled to begin on February 22, 2010.
13 January 2010
MHCI Capstone Project Presentations 2008-2009
03 January 2010
Mark Your Calendars: Industry Forum and Diploma Ceremony will take place in February 2010
During the 2010 Diploma Ceremony, the combined achievements of the Professional Masters graduates of December 2008 and December, 2009, will be celebrated in a joint ceremony in which dual degrees will be bes-towed upon the graduates of the following collaborative programs: Professional Master of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Universidade da Madeira and Carnegie Mellon University; Professional Master of Information Networking (MSIN), Universidade de Aveiro and Carnegie Mellon University; Professional Master of Information Technology and Information Security (MSIT-IS), Universidade de Lisboa and Carnegie Mellon University; Pro-fessional Master of Software Engineering (MSE), Universidade de Coimbra and Carnegie Mellon University.
Updates will be posted to the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program website at http://www.cmuportugal.org/.