22 December 2014

CMU Portugal Program Newsletter is out!

With an Op-ed written by Professor Marques dos Santos, former rector of the Universidade do Porto, titled "CMU Portugal Program as a Role Model," this Newsletter has stories about different members of the CMU Portugal Program community: Portuguese undergraduates experiences at CMU, doctoral students stories about their achievements, and professors that carried out research at CMU through the Faculty Exchange Program!

We invite you to read our Newsletter at http://eepurl.com/-oaxv.

03 November 2014

inRes 2014: Very Early Stage Acceleration Program more


More information about inRes 2014: Very Early Stage Acceleration Program is available here 

CMU Portugal Program Connects: Enabling Innovation in Companies

CMU Portugal Program Connects 

Enabling Innovation in Companies

“CMU Portugal Program: Enabling Innovation in Companies” is the theme of the two events with companies that the CMU Portugal Program will hold on November 6 and 7, at Porto Business School (PBS) and at Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics (CLSBE), respectively. Companies that have actively participated in the CMU Portugal Program, such as CGI, OutSystems, Geolink, Wavecom, among others, have already confirmed their presence.

November 6, 2014 
Venue: Porto Business School, Porto
Hour: 08:30 to 10:20
08:30 Networking Breakfast
08:45 Welcome Words
09:00 CMU Portugal Program: Highlights and Opportunities
    João Claro, National Director, CMU Portugal Program
09:20 Roundtable: Enabling Innovation in Companies
10:20 Wrap-up and Closing Remarks
November 7, 2014 
Venue: Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics, Lisboa
Hour: 12:30 to 14:20
12:30 Networking Light Lunch
12:45 Welcome Words
13:00 CMU Portugal Program: Highlights and Opportunities
        João Claro, National Director, CMU Portugal Program
13:20 Roundtable: Enabling Innovation in Companies
14:20 Wrap-up and Closing Remarks

In order to prepare the logistics for the event, please register here.

After these CMU Portugal Program Connects sessions, the national director of the CMU Portugal Program will be available to meet with companies individually, to clarify and better explain the opportunities and possible outcomes of companies' participation in the Program initiatives. If you are interested in participating in these meetings, please use the same form as before.

More information available at http://www.cmuportugal.org/tiercontent.aspx?id=5548.

18 September 2014

Applications are Open

We are currently accepting applications to the:

Faculty Exchange Program - for the Summer 2015 and Fall 2015
Deadline: October 30, 2014 more

Undergraduate Internships Program - for the Spring 2015, Summer 2015 and Fall 2015
Deadline: September 30, 2014 more

20 June 2014

CMU Portugal Program Gets Its First Six Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives

The Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) recently announced the results of the first call for Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives (ERIs) of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program. Six proposals were approved for funding, among 21 submitted for evaluation, with a total budget of approximately 6 million Euros for the next four years.
With its renewal, the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program is emphasizing advanced education and research that can lead to significant entrepreneurial impact. The mission of the six ERIs is to stimulate and promote Portuguese innovation in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), by acting as international innovation engines. Embedded in global knowledge and business networks, and under the joint leadership of researchers from Portuguese institutions and Carnegie Mellon University, these initiatives will train creative innovators, generate new ideas, and translate them into products, processes and services. 

06 May 2014

Undergraduate Internships Program: Applications are Open!

We are pleased to announce a new instrument targeted for talented undergraduates in Portugal, who will have the opportunity to be eight to twelve weeks at Carnegie Mellon University to participate in state-of-the-art research projects, interact with prominent research teams, and be mentored by leading faculty and researchers. 
Applications are Open! 
More information available at http://www.cmuportugal.org/tiercontent.aspx?id=5204

31 March 2014

inRes 2014: Very Early Stage Acceleration Program

inRes, short for “in Residence,” is a very early stage acceleration program for entrepreneurial teams working in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), in Portugal, offered by the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program.

The program is targeted to entrepreneurial teams that:
  • want to start a company and commercialize a technology; 
  • have proven technical feasibility of their product or service; 
  • have had enough initial interaction with their target markets and industries, to have minimally consistent product or service and business concepts; 
  • and are not yet established companies regularly selling their products or services. 
inRes will provide entrepreneurial teams a training period in Portugal, followed by a six-week structured immersion period in Pittsburgh, in the U.S., anchored at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). The participating teams will benefit from the exposure to a highly dense environment of world-leading research groups, and market and industry specialists, in a variety of high-tech areas.

The applications for the inRes 2014 Call will be open until April 30, 2014!

Presentation Sessions:
April 2, 2014:
10:00am - IPN, Coimbra
3:00pm - UPTEC, Porto

April 3, 2014:
4:00pm - Taguspark, Lisbon