14 May 2013

Sabina Zejnilovic, Dual Degree Ph.D. Student: “I would like to make a positive impact in our everyday life"

Natural from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and with industry and academic experience, Sabina Zejnilovic is a dual degree Ph.D. student in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) since 2011/2012, at Instituto Superior Técnico of the Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (IST/UTL) and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU).

Networks fascinate her, “whether they are connecting communication equipment, as in a telecom network, or computers on Internet, or even people in a social network.” As part of her Ph.D., she recently presented a poster titled “Communication Complexity and Energy Efficiency on Consensus Algorithms,” on the Inaugural Symposium of the CMU Portugal Program. Sabina explained that, in conjunction with her two advisors, they “discovered that some slower algorithms are in fact more efficient than the faster ones, as they require overall less communication to achieve the same goal,” adding that “we have also shown that in some network topologies, the algorithms are as efficient communication wise, as they are in complete networks.”

As a Ph.D. student she does not have a clear idea of what she wants to do after completing her graduation: either pursuing academic research or going back to industry. Of one thing she is sure: “I enjoy solving interesting problems, applying engineering practicality and creativity, and seeing the solutions making positive impact in our everyday life,” Sabina Zejnilovic said.

Portuguese Team is one of the Finalists of the Ericsson Application Awards 2013

The GreenSpark team, which involves a Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program master student, is one of the finalists in the student category of the Ericsson Application Awards 2013, an international competition for Android application developers. The application created by the team helps to manage solar panels, making their use simpler and more cost-effective.

The team includes Joel Rodrigues, a post-graduation student in Human Aspects of Technology at the Universidade da Madeira, and Poan Shen, a student in the dual degree Masters Program on Entertainment Technology, of the Universidade da Madeira and Carnegie Mellon University, as part of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program. The GreenSpark team seeks to promote innovative ideas to boost the use of green energies.

Read the full article at http://www.cmuportugal.org/tiercontent.aspx?id=4614

Building Global Innovators: Roadshow Session

Date: May 14, 2013
Time: 16:00
Place: Auditorium, INESC Porto

   16h00 Opening Remarks
       Mário Jorge Leitão (INESC Porto)
   16h10 Panel Discussion:
       Moderator: Alexandra Xavier, INESC Porto 
        Carlos Brito, Universidade do Porto 
        João Claro, Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program
        Michael DaCosta Babb, Dueto SGPS 
        João Afonso, Musikki, Alumni BGI 
        Gonçalo Amorim, Building Global Innovators 
   17h00 Networking

More information available at: http://www.cmuportugal.org/tiercontent.aspx?id=4624 .