16 December 2010

Workshop: Frontiers in Entrepreneurship research: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Human Capital

Date: December 17-18, 2010
Place: Católica Lisbon, School of Business and Economics, Lisbon, Portugal

One of the major socio-economic trends since the 1990s has been the rise of entrepreneurshipvas a driver of innovation, competitiveness and economic development. One central aspect in the creation and growth of knowledge-based firms is the role played by the human capital of the entrepreneur. Human capital entails the stock of knowledge and skills that reside within individuals and that can be developed over time. This includes general human capital, which comprises formal education, and previous job-market experience. But it also entails specific human capital, encompassing prior experiences that might be more relevant for an individual to decide on engaging in the development of knowledge-based firms. For instance, entrepreneurial experience, top management experience, or previous work experience in the same sector where the new firm is being started are likely to endow individuals with knowledge and skills that are specific for the tasks required from a knowledge-based entrepreneur.

The last two decades have seen the emergence of encompassing data sources linking individuals and firms over time. Such data sets are rare and hard to access. These longitudinal datasets can be used to track the evolution of markets and individual firm performance as well as individuals’ professional and entrepreneurial experiences over time, allowing for the examination of their decisions and behavioral patterns in the labor market. Some of these longitudinal datasets match employees, employers, patents and their characteristics over time.

This workshop aims to present and discuss cutting edge work from leading researchers in the areas of entrepreneurship and innovation focusing on the role played by human capital in the entrepreneurial and innovation processes. Most papers will leverage new longitudinal databases, often in connection with other complementary sources of data.

Scientific Coordination:
• Rui Baptista, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (IST-UTL)
• Steven Klepper, Social and Decision Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
• Pedro Oliveira, Católica Lisbon, School of Business and Economics (FCEE-Católica)• Francisco Veloso, Católica Lisbon, School of Business and Economics (FCEE- Católica) and Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)

See the Agenda at http://www.cmuportugal.org/tiercontent.aspx?id=3174