We are a research/educational partnership between several top-rated Portuguese universities, and the Carnegie Mellon University. Students in any of our masters or Ph.D. programs (http://www.cmuportugal.org) take courses from professors in both locations; upon graduation they receive dual degrees. Faculty have interdisciplinary and intercultural research grants opportunities. For more information, please contact us at news@cmuportugal.org.
19 November 2009
Carnegie Mellon Portugal | Program launches Faculty Exchange Program
The Carnegie Mellon | Portugal Program supports faculty exchange programs, in which Portuguese academics can spend at least one term working in research and education at Carnegie Mellon to experience the culture of a top United States university. Carnegie Mellon professors are also given the opportunity to spend time in Portugal to engage in teaching and research activities with local institutions of higher education and research labs.
The goal of the faculty exchange program is to accelerate the adoption of best practices through cultural immersion giving the opportunity to adopt, adapt, propagate, and consolidate the best practices of top universities.
This is unique opportunity is offered by the Carnegie Mellon | Portugal Program to promote a positive exchange of culture and faculty experiences.
During their time, a faculty member from Portugal is exposed to the same environment and working conditions as a colleague at Carnegie Mellon University. The visitor receives a formal appointment as a visiting faculty member, is hosted by a research group, joins the teaching team of a course (undergraduate or graduate level) in a specific area of interest, and is invited to participate in various activities. The same applies to faculty members of Carnegie Mellon, who join a Portuguese university for a given period of time.
For more information visit: www.cmuportugal.org .
Carnegie Mellon | Portugal Program Mission:
The mission of the Carnegie Mellon|Portugal Program is to create new knowledge in key focused areas of information and communications technologies by means of cutting-edge research, world-class graduate education, and a close connection with Portuguese Industry, thus placing Portugal at the forefront of Science and Innovation.
13 November 2009
Admission Phase of the Carnegie Mellon|Portugal Dual Degree Ph.D. and Master programs
• Next Generation Networks for Trusted High-Quality Services
• Software Engineering for Large-Scale Dependable Systems
• Cyber-Physical Systems for Ambient Intelligence
• Human-Centric Computing
• Public Policy & Entrepreneurship Dynamics in New Information and Communication Technologies
• Applied Mathematics
By earning a dual degree from Carnegie Mellon and a Portuguese University, our students are in an excellent position to shape their careers and become leaders in their fields. We currently offer our students a variety of Professional Master’s, Doctoral, and Post Doctoral programs in cutting-edge fields of information and communication technology.
Please take a look around to learn more about ICTI and the Carnegie Mellon|Portugal Program. A special web page provides an overview about the programs we offer. Please note that many of our students will qualify for fellowships and scholarships funded by FCT that help cover tuition and living expenses.
If you have any questions, please visit our FAQ, News and Events pages. Should you still have any unanswered questions, you may contact us via email: info@cmuportugal.org .
Admission Process
Admissions varies depending on which graduate program and affiliate university you attend.
ICTI has a decentralized admission process. All programs manage their own application process. To apply, determine which program you are interested in and then apply directly to that program. The Carnegie Mellon|Portugal program engages the different departments in universities affiliated with the program; therefore, all admissions are handled by the individual programs themselves.
For a list of programs and links to program descriptions and program admissions sites, explore whichever of the following that best suit your interests:
Dual Ph.D. Programs
Dual Masters Programs
Post Doctoral Training
Detailed description of the admission process please find here: Admission and application process (pdf file)
Admission Requirements
We welcome students from the United States & Portugal as well as other international students who qualify for our programs.
Admission is highly competitive. About 20 outstanding students with a potential to distinguish themselves in research are fully funded and enter the doctoral program, and around 45 students enter the master program each fall.
Reviewers evaluate the applicant’s essays, academic background and performance, research interest and potential, prior exposure to academic research, strength of recommendations and standardized test scores. The application deadline varies depending on selected Program (M.S. or Ph.D.). International applicants are encouraged to submit their information earlier. Admitted students enroll the following autumn.
GRE test
On the following website - http://www.ets.org - you can register for the GRE test. In Portugal, this test can be taken in Lisbon and Coimbra. To meet the application deadline, we recommend applicants to take the required tests by September. GRE Scores are valid for five years; older scores will not be considered.
Fluency in English
The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is required for international applicants whose native language is not English. More information can be found on the following website: http://www.ets.org.
Financial Assistance for the Ph.D. students
All students who are admitted to the Ph.D. Program are automatically considered for financial assistance consisting of a tuition grant and stipend support. Financial assistance is granted on the basis of the student’s potential for scholarship and creative research.
When in Portugal, you will be supported by a fellowship from FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), which also funds your contract with Carnegie Mellon during the foreseen study periods in the United States. Once you accept the admission offer you will be instructed on the steps you need to follow to process it. The current (2009/2010) monthly stipend in Portugal is €980.
Tuition Grants
Full tuition support is available for five years of full-time study, conditional on satisfactory progress in the program.
Again, welcome to the Carnegie Mellon|Portugal Program!