We are a research/educational partnership between several top-rated Portuguese universities, and the Carnegie Mellon University. Students in any of our masters or Ph.D. programs (http://www.cmuportugal.org) take courses from professors in both locations; upon graduation they receive dual degrees. Faculty have interdisciplinary and intercultural research grants opportunities. For more information, please contact us at news@cmuportugal.org.
19 November 2009
Carnegie Mellon Portugal | Program launches Faculty Exchange Program
The Carnegie Mellon | Portugal Program supports faculty exchange programs, in which Portuguese academics can spend at least one term working in research and education at Carnegie Mellon to experience the culture of a top United States university. Carnegie Mellon professors are also given the opportunity to spend time in Portugal to engage in teaching and research activities with local institutions of higher education and research labs.
The goal of the faculty exchange program is to accelerate the adoption of best practices through cultural immersion giving the opportunity to adopt, adapt, propagate, and consolidate the best practices of top universities.
This is unique opportunity is offered by the Carnegie Mellon | Portugal Program to promote a positive exchange of culture and faculty experiences.
During their time, a faculty member from Portugal is exposed to the same environment and working conditions as a colleague at Carnegie Mellon University. The visitor receives a formal appointment as a visiting faculty member, is hosted by a research group, joins the teaching team of a course (undergraduate or graduate level) in a specific area of interest, and is invited to participate in various activities. The same applies to faculty members of Carnegie Mellon, who join a Portuguese university for a given period of time.
For more information visit: www.cmuportugal.org .
Carnegie Mellon | Portugal Program Mission:
The mission of the Carnegie Mellon|Portugal Program is to create new knowledge in key focused areas of information and communications technologies by means of cutting-edge research, world-class graduate education, and a close connection with Portuguese Industry, thus placing Portugal at the forefront of Science and Innovation.
13 November 2009
Admission Phase of the Carnegie Mellon|Portugal Dual Degree Ph.D. and Master programs
• Next Generation Networks for Trusted High-Quality Services
• Software Engineering for Large-Scale Dependable Systems
• Cyber-Physical Systems for Ambient Intelligence
• Human-Centric Computing
• Public Policy & Entrepreneurship Dynamics in New Information and Communication Technologies
• Applied Mathematics
By earning a dual degree from Carnegie Mellon and a Portuguese University, our students are in an excellent position to shape their careers and become leaders in their fields. We currently offer our students a variety of Professional Master’s, Doctoral, and Post Doctoral programs in cutting-edge fields of information and communication technology.
Please take a look around to learn more about ICTI and the Carnegie Mellon|Portugal Program. A special web page provides an overview about the programs we offer. Please note that many of our students will qualify for fellowships and scholarships funded by FCT that help cover tuition and living expenses.
If you have any questions, please visit our FAQ, News and Events pages. Should you still have any unanswered questions, you may contact us via email: info@cmuportugal.org .
Admission Process
Admissions varies depending on which graduate program and affiliate university you attend.
ICTI has a decentralized admission process. All programs manage their own application process. To apply, determine which program you are interested in and then apply directly to that program. The Carnegie Mellon|Portugal program engages the different departments in universities affiliated with the program; therefore, all admissions are handled by the individual programs themselves.
For a list of programs and links to program descriptions and program admissions sites, explore whichever of the following that best suit your interests:
Dual Ph.D. Programs
Dual Masters Programs
Post Doctoral Training
Detailed description of the admission process please find here: Admission and application process (pdf file)
Admission Requirements
We welcome students from the United States & Portugal as well as other international students who qualify for our programs.
Admission is highly competitive. About 20 outstanding students with a potential to distinguish themselves in research are fully funded and enter the doctoral program, and around 45 students enter the master program each fall.
Reviewers evaluate the applicant’s essays, academic background and performance, research interest and potential, prior exposure to academic research, strength of recommendations and standardized test scores. The application deadline varies depending on selected Program (M.S. or Ph.D.). International applicants are encouraged to submit their information earlier. Admitted students enroll the following autumn.
GRE test
On the following website - http://www.ets.org - you can register for the GRE test. In Portugal, this test can be taken in Lisbon and Coimbra. To meet the application deadline, we recommend applicants to take the required tests by September. GRE Scores are valid for five years; older scores will not be considered.
Fluency in English
The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is required for international applicants whose native language is not English. More information can be found on the following website: http://www.ets.org.
Financial Assistance for the Ph.D. students
All students who are admitted to the Ph.D. Program are automatically considered for financial assistance consisting of a tuition grant and stipend support. Financial assistance is granted on the basis of the student’s potential for scholarship and creative research.
When in Portugal, you will be supported by a fellowship from FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), which also funds your contract with Carnegie Mellon during the foreseen study periods in the United States. Once you accept the admission offer you will be instructed on the steps you need to follow to process it. The current (2009/2010) monthly stipend in Portugal is €980.
Tuition Grants
Full tuition support is available for five years of full-time study, conditional on satisfactory progress in the program.
Again, welcome to the Carnegie Mellon|Portugal Program!
29 October 2009
15 September 2009
2009 Call for Proposals
In accordance with the strategic plan for the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program, which was subject to a broad scientific debate in the research and business communities, research projects should involve scientific institutions in Portugal, companies and research groups at Carnegie Mellon. In this call, priority will be given to the following key focused areas:
· Next Generation Networks for Trusted High-Quality Services
· Software Engineering for Large-Scale Dependable Systems
· Cyber-Physical Systems for Ambient Intelligence
Deadline submission for full proposals: November 13th, 2009 (17h00 Lisbon time).
UT Austin Carnegie Mellon Portugal Programs
2009 Call for Proposals in Mathematics
Deadline submission for full proposals: November 13th, 2009 (17h00 Lisbon time).
more information at http://www.cmuportugal.org/
08 September 2009
Carnegie Mellon Portugal|Program Orientation Day in Aveiro
In the morning, the students will participate in several workshops:
- “Living in Portugal”, presented by two international students;
- “Introduction to Portuguese cultural peculiarities”, a presentation prepared by two Portuguese students;
- Students will also have an opportunity to participate in a generic workshop that will cover several topics: student guide, policy on cheating, and “who is who” in the ICTI Offices.
In the afternoon, the students will participate in a Teambuilding Activity that will give them the opportunity to get to know each other better, to work as a team, and to know the Aveiro city.
How can you get to Aveiro?
You can go to Aveiro by train. See the timetables at http://www.cp.pt.
20 August 2009
André Martins wins the best paper award at the Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics

19 August 2009
Denzil Ferreira wins first prize in an international competition

04 August 2009
Don’t Miss: Carnegie Mellon Orientation Week 2009
In addition to the Graduate Student Services Office’s university-wide graduate student orientation, from August 12 to 13, the Office of International Education (OIE) will host an International Graduate Student orientation on August 11. This orientation will include a mandatory visa check-in and introduction to campus resources.
New students are also invited to the ICTI orientation on August 14 to become more familiar with the Carnegie MellonPortugal Partnership. Students will learn about the various ICTI programs and have a chance to meet each other and the ICTI@CMU staff and Executive Team.
Information on individual department orientations, scheduled for the week of August 17, can be found on department websites. Other resources are the Carnegie Mellon Graduate Education website, http://www.cmu.edu/graduate/index.html , and the Student Affairs website, www.studentaffairs.cmu.edu .
New Interactive Techologies Institute Kick off in Madeira

This Institute will operate as a separate department, with the primary objective of maintaining relationships and projects for sustainable and long-term cooperation with other institutions of Carnegie Mellon University. The Institute follows the success achieved in the dual Professional Master's Degree in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), under the Carnegie MellonPortugal Partnership.
“Madeira—ITI focuses on HCI, Entertainment and Services”, says Nuno Nunes.
"This is a project of strategic leadership, resulting in a high-level partnership. An example to be followed by other Portuguese universities", noted the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education. The view was shared by Provost of Carnegie Mellon University who compared the situation of both universities (Carnegie Mellon and Madeira): "We are small universities with big ambitions, that choose areas where we can make a difference, in regions known as centers of know-ledge and which can be engines of the economy." About the Institute, Mark Kamlet emphasized: “this is a very natural step in what has been the partnership”. Castanheira da Costa stressed that this initiative demonstrates that "we are able to innovate." Fonseca de Moura was very pleased to see in only two years such initiatives: an Institute, real projects, recruitment of researchers of international renown, and the attraction of students around the world." Nuno Nunes explained that the aim is "to attract the best students of the World."
Video of the Madeira-ITI quick off ceremony is available at http://www.uma.pt/portal/video/.
21 July 2009
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute: Conducts research and provides graduate training
The Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (MADEIRA-ITI) will be an innovation institute as defined by the statutes of the University of Madeira and established as an associated independent non-profit R&D organization whose founding members are the University of Madeira, Madeira Tecnopolo SA, and Carnegie Mellon University. The goals will be to conduct research and provide graduate training in the domain of human-computer interaction, contributing to the development of the field. MADEIRA-ITI also aims to support collaborations with other research and higher education institutions and companies, including consulting services.
“Promote Madeira as a Living Lab for open innovation of companies.”
MADEIRA-ITI builds on the vision of the Carnegie MellonPortugal Partnership to consolidate a strategic plan that:
1. Enables the University of Madeira to create the first innovation institute in the strategic area of information and communication technologies by pursuing a distinctive theme around interactive technologies – including Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and its industrial applications;
2. Creates the conditions to take the current Masters in HCI program into a sustainable model that leverages the quality standards of Carnegie Mellon professional graduate education, providing the program with the necessary agile administrative support while maintaining the fundamental relationship with high-quality research and industry involvement;
3. Promotes the regional government’s goal of changing the economic development model of Madeira, leveraging the attraction of talent and industry involvement in key distinctive areas like HCI, thus generating critical mass to attract industry and develop new innovative services in Madeira;
4. Enables the development of new professional programs required to bring Madeira into the international landscape of interactive technologies while reassuring the quality standards of the small-class model of the MHCI. Areas of particular relevance currently being pursued are entertainment (with synergies for tourism) and service design (with synergies with the international business center);
5. Incorporates a new thematic area of Human-Computer Interaction in the network of Associated Laboratories accredited by FCT, thus contributing to the consolidation of critical mass at the national level in particular for emerging and non-traditional interdisciplinary areas in Portugal, like HCI, and promote Madeira as a Living Lab for open innovation of companies in Europe and elsewhere.
The ceremony will be held on July 23 at 20 p.m. at the University of Madeira. Present at the ceremony will be José Manuel Nunes Castanheira da Costa, Rector of the University of Madeira, Mark Kamlet, Provost of Carnegie Mellon University, José Fonseca de Moura, Director of ICTI@Carnegie Mellon, and Carnegie MellonPortugal Partnership, Nuno Nunes, Scientific Director of ICTI@Portugal, and members of national and regional government.
16 July 2009
First Annual Carnegie Mellon|Portugal Partnership Conference
More than 200 members of the academic and business communities attended the first annual conference of the Carnegie Mellon|Portugal Partnership “Economy 3.0: Re-boot and Re-connect.”
The First Annual Carnegie Mellon|Portugal Partnership Conference, sponsored by the oundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and held at the Palácio da Bolsa in Porto on June 22, enjoyed the presence of the Prime Minister of Portugal, the Minister of Science Technology and Higher Education, the State Secretary for Science, Technology and Higher Education, and the President of FCT.
The Carnegie Mellon|Portugal Partnership Conference’s welcome address was given by José Marques dos Santos, Rector of the University of Porto, who announced that the change of management of universities will promote their autonomy. The University of Porto was among the first to attain the status of Foundation in Portugal.
João Barros, National Director of ICTI@Portugal, emphasized the importance of a wide scientific debate about the role of ICT in shaping a new economic model following the current financial crisis. To this end, the leadership of the Partnership prepared a provisional strategic plan that is currently under discussion among scientists and industry professionals in Portugal and at Carnegie Mellon. This document shall be the basis for a new call for research project proposals that will open in the coming weeks. In the strategic plan, ICT focus areas are proposed in which Portugal can develop comparative advantages. These areas include: Next Generation Networks for High-Quality Trusted Services; Software Engineering for Large Scale Dependable Systems; Cyber-Physical Systems for Ambient Intelligence and Human-Centric Community; and Applied Mathematics. Public Policy and Entrepreneurship in High-Growth Areas appear as important complementary fields.
Professor Barros noted that "Portugal already has, in these areas, research groups with international impact and dynamic companies with the capacity to transform the results of basic research in high-tech products with added value." Examples include Portugal Telecom, Nokia Siemens Networks, Novabase, as well as BioDevices, Critical Software, Ndrive or OutSystems. At the end of the speech, João Barros affirmed that it is important to create space for a new generation of leaders, both in academia and in business, and ended by stating that: "This is the time for us to make a difference."
The keynote speaker at the Conference was Marvin Sirbu, Professor of Engineering & Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. Professor Sirbu’s speech was a response to the question, “How can ICT help?’ His answer touched upon major problems of our times such as global warming, energy efficiency and self reliance, environmental preservation, infrastructure lifetime, aging population and global competition, showing the many areas that ICT impacts.
“The Carnegie Mellon|Portugal partnership aims to create new models for interdisciplinary and international collaboration, new academic centers of excellence, and also new models for academy / industry collaboration.”
Marvin Sirbu
For Marvin Sirbu to go from invention to innovation is a very important step because "it is not enough to do good science & engineering." The key is that "ideas must be translated into products and services." For this to occur, "we need a better understanding of the ecology of innovation.” Mariano Gago, Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education, said that science in Portugal is characterized by a "culture of seriousness." This is the area in which young professionals are most internationalized" because “their worth comes from the recognition of the best, and that must happen on the world stage.”
The opening session of Annual Conference ended with José Sócrates, Prime-Minister of Portugal, who emphasized the importance of this partnership for the development of the country. He said that science "was the only sector that always had an increase in public investment.”
The investment in science, which was 1.2 percent of GDP, was the only item of the state budget that always had a positive and significant progress in terms of national public investment." In his view, the international partnerships gives the universities the opportunity to compete in the global arena of knowledge.
The aim is to increase the number of scientists working in Portugal to "six researchers for every 1,000 people,” thus matching the European average. On the other hand, it was shown that between 2005 and 2007 the number of companies engaged in research and development has doubled. The Portuguese Prime-Minister still had time to give one more relevant figure:
"Portugal is one of the European countries that have the largest number of women in research - about 44 percent of scientists are women."
More informations and photos at http://www.cmuportugal.org/conference2009/
Newsletter of the Carnegie Mellon|Portugal Program (#02 and #03)
09 July 2009
COLAB Mathematics Summer School and Workshop 2009
The Colab Mathematics Summer School is a yearly event that aims at bringing together Ph.D. students and junior faculty with well known experts in the several areas of mathematics.
This is two-week summer program to be held this coming July 2009 in Lisbon, Portugal. The week of July 13 to 17 will feature a summer school for graduate students and postdocs, with lectures by E. Carlen, P. Degond, I. Gamba, M. Katsoulakis and R. Pego. The following week of July 20 to 24 will hold a workshop featuring lectures on recent progress in this field.
This program is a University of Texas at Austin-Universities in Portugal initiative http://www.math.ist.utl.pt/~dgomes/austin and is also supported by the ICTI Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program partnership, CIM and CMAF.
The themes of this program are analytical, numerical, and probabilistic issues related to dynamical properties of complex systems, with connection to natural and social sciences. In addition to the particle systems underlying classical kinetic theory, examples of such systems that have been studied recently include statistical modeling of rapid granular flows, coalescence-breakage models for jet-bubble flows, mixtures undergoing chemical reactions, swarming behavior in social animals, traffic networks (e.g., vehicular traffic on highways, TCP traffic on the internet, traffic of goods on supply chains), and economic models related to information sharing in large populations, as well as applications to climate modeling via stochastic methods.
Invited workshop speakers: (* to be confirmed)
Juan Acebron (Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa),
Eli Ben Naim, (Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA) (2 hour lecture)
Marzia Bisi (Parma, Italy),
Maria C. Carvalho (Lisbon, Portugal)
Fabio Chalub (Lisbon, Portugal)
Isabelle Choquet * (University West, Trollhattan, Sweden) Anabela Cruzeiro (GFM and Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal)
Miguel Escobedo (Universidad del Pais Vasco, Spain)
Ester Gabetta (Universita di Pavia, Italy)
Wilfrid Gangbo (Gatech, USA)
Diogo Gomes (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Patricia Goncalves (Lisbon)
Michael Loss (Gatech)
Sylvie Meleard *(Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France)
Stephane Mischler (Dauphine, Paris, France)
Clement Mouhot (Dauphine, Paris)
Filipe Oliveira (New University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Maria Joao Oliveira (CMAF and Universidade Aberta, Portugal)
Eugenio Regazzini (Pavia, Italy)
Christian Ringhofer*, (Arizona State University, USA)
Lisa Santos (Portugal)
Dejan Slepcev (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Ana Jacinta Soares (Univerdidade de Minho, Portugal)
Tom Spencer*, (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)
Giuseppe Toscani (Universita di Pavia, Italy)
Rui Vilela Mendes ( CMAF and Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
Cedric Villani* (ENS, Lyon, France)
Bernt Wennberg (Chalmers, Sweden)
Key Note speaker: Antonio Camera. Issues related to Digital Media
More information: http://kinetic.ptmat.fc.ul.pt/
07 July 2009
Conference by UTEN with speakers from the Carnegie Mellon|Portugal Program
Date: July 13-14, 2009
Location: Porto, Portugal
ICTPI09 is being organized by the University of Porto and INESC Porto with the support of UTEN Portugal (University Technology Enterprise Network) and in cooperation with the IC2 Institute of the University of Texas at Austin and will address Science, Technology and Knowledge Networks and their central role in the development of long term growth strategies to face the financial crisis.
The theme and motto of ICTPI09 is due to challenge us in developing strategic responses to the crisis that integrate long-term concerns, by involving research and development, higher-education and science-based innovation.
This year's conference presents 13 top Key Note Speakers that will address major conference themes and nearly 40 paper presentations enriching the debate with European, American and Asian perspectives, besides 5 round-tables bringing to the floor case-based discussions of best practices in innovation and technology transfer. Editors of Technological Forecasting & Social Change; Technology, Entrepreneurship, Technovation; Journal of Technology Transfer and Models and Methodologies, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management will participate in a Round-table on Scholarly Publishing in Technology Policy and Innovation.
Raj Rajkumar, Professor of Electrical and Computing Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, USA; Co‐Director General Motors‐CMU Information Technology & Autonomous Driving Collaborative Research, USA
Marija Ilic, Professor of Electrical and Computing Engineering and Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, USA.
More information http://www.ictpi09.org.pt/.
01 July 2009
Public Lecture from Don Norman
Place: Auditorium Castanheiro at the Reitoria da Universidade da
Madeira, Funchal
Title: “In Favor of Complexity”
Speaker: Don Norman, Professor Northwestern University
Abstract: Why are things so complex? Because the world is complex. Our tools must reflect reality. Complexity can be good, leading to a rich, satisfying life, filled with rich, satisfying experiences. We must distinguish complexity from confusion, perplexity, and unintelligibility. The goal is complexity with order, lucidity and understandability.
Don Norman, co-founder of the Nielsen-Norman Group and Professor of Design at Northwestern University, is a world renowned authority on usability and design and the author of many books, including “The Design of Everyday Things,” “Emotional Design,” “The Design of Future Things,” and “Sociable Design.” Professor Norman is a guest of the University for MUSE III, the 2009 Madeira Usability and Software Encounters, an annual event sponsored by the Laboratory for Usage-Centered Software Engineering and the Department of Mathematics and Engineering at the University of Madeira.
This event is open to the public.
More information www.labuse.org
30 June 2009
Post Doctoral Academy in Mathematics
Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal
This Academy brings together all post-docs of the Mathematics programs of both the Carnegie MellonPortugal and UTAustinPortugal partnerships.
“In the Academy we will have two courses by leading mathematicians as well as presentations by the post-docs and we expect to attract to the audience both senior faculty as well as junior faculty and advanced graduate students”, explains Diogo Gomes, scientific director of Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program.
This year the main topic of the Academy is Applied Analysis and Partial Differential equations. “We will have courses by Luis Caffarelli from University of Texas at Austin and Panagiotis Souganidis from the University of Chicago”, says Diogo Gomes adding “we are also planning a presentation by the leaders of the research projects in Mathematics under these partnerships. We hope to get the new post-docs actively involved in the research activities at Portuguese institutions. As such, we believe that activities such as this Academy are essential for the integration of the post-docs hired under these programs in ongoing research projects.”
Who is Luis Caffarelli?
Luis Caffarelli is a Sid W. Richardson Foundation Regents Chair at the University of Texas at Austin, and has been awarded in 2009 the AMS Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement. He is also the Director of Mathematics at the University of Texas at Austin of the CoLab - UTAustinPortugal partnership program.
Who is Panagiotis Souganidis?
Panagiotis Souganidis is a Charles H. Swift Professor of Mathematics at the University of Chicago. He has been awarded a Presidential Young Investigator Award (1987), an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship (1989) and the 1996 Bodossaki Foundation Academic Prize, which is awarded to outstanding Greek scholars under the age of 40.
More information http://math.utaustinportugal.org/pdworkshop/
25 June 2009
Seminar announcement Language Technologies and CALL
Date: 14:00, Thursday, June 25th, 2009
Room VA2, building of Civil Engineering, IST-Alameda
Speaker: Maxine Eskenazi, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Abstract: Language Technologies are still in their early stages of use as far as Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL) is concerned. But some notable progress has been made and some systems have appeared. This talk will discuss three applications that I have developed: Native Accent, Let's Go Lexical Entrainment, and REAP. We will look at how each one uses language technologies. We will also discuss the challenges that each system overcomes when it combines the need to serve the language learner well with the present state of each technology. We will also examine the learning science questions that are raised when the interface between the technology and the student is created.
Bio: Maxine S. Eskenazi received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Modern Languages from Carnegie -Mellon University in 1973. She received her DEA (Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies - equiv. Masters) in Linguistics from the University of Paris VII in 1981 and her Doctorat de Troisieme Cycle in Computer Science from the University of Paris XI in 1984. Her thesis was on "Caracterisation acoustique des voyelles francaises en vue de leurreconnaissance automatique" and her thesis advisor was Jean-Sylvain Lienard. She has been President and Chief Technical Officer of the Carnegie Speech™ Company (2001 - ). Carnegie Speech™ is a CMU spinoff. She is presently Associate Teaching Professor in the Language Technologies Institute of the School of Computer Science of Carnegie Mellon University. From 1980 to 1994 she worked as a grad student andthen a tenured researcher at LIMSI-CNRS in Orsay, France.
20 June 2009
First Annual Carnegie Mellon | Portugal Conference - Program

Re-Boot and Re-Connect"
Palácio da Bolsa, Porto, June 22, 2009
9:00-9:30 Check-in, Morning Coffee and Networking
Salão Árabe
9:30-10:45 Opening Session
- José Marques dos Santos, Rector of the Universidade do Porto
- José Fonseca de Moura, Director of ICTI@Carnegie Mellon
Presentation of a Working Draft of a Strategic Plan for the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program
“ICT Portugal: An Innovation Agenda for Research, Technology and Graduate Education”
- João Barros, National Director, ICTI@Portugal
Keynote Speech:
- Marvin Sirbu, Carnegie Mellon University
Opening remarks:
- Alfredo Baptista, CTO of Portugal Telecom
- José Mariano Gago, Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education
- José Sócrates, Prime Minister of Portugal
10:45-11:00 Coffee Break
Salão Árabe
11:00-11:45 Research and Innovation in the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program
Lightning Round of Short Presentations by Graduate Students and Alumni with Industry
11:45-12:30 Poster Session and Demos from MS / PhD Students and Collaborative Research Projects
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-15:45 Parallel Technical Sessions on Key Focused Areas of ICT
Salão Árabe
Session A: Next Generation Networks for Trusted High-Quality Services
- Paulo Veríssimo, Director of LASIGE, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
- Hyong Kim, Cylab, Carnegie Mellon
- José Alegria, Portugal Telecom
- Rui Aguiar, IT, Universidade de Aveiro
- Michel Ferreira, IT, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto
Sala Dourada
Session B: Software Engineering for Large-Scale Dependable Systems
- João Gabriel Silva, Director of Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
- Ricardo Machado, Universidade do Minho
- Paulo Marques, Universidade de Coimbra
- Henrique Madeira, Universidade de Coimbra
- Lorrie Cranor, Carnegie Mellon University
- Carlos Parreira, Novabase
- Nuno Silva, Critical Software
- Anselmo Silva, PT-SI
Sala das Assembleias Gerais
Session C: Cyber-Physical Systems for Ambient Intelligence
- Pedro Guedes de Oliveira, Board Member of Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional (FCCN), INESC Porto, FEUP
- João Paulo Costeira, ISR, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
- Priya Narasimhan, Carnegie Mellon
- Eduardo Tovar, CISTER, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto
- Luis Meireles, CEO of Bio-Devices
- João Paulo Cunha, IEETA, Universidade de Aveiro
Sala dos Retratos
Session D: Human-Centric Computing
- Isabel Trancoso, Professor, INESC-ID, Instituto Superior Técnico
- Richard Stern, Carnegie Mellon
- Nuno Nunes, UseLab, Universidade da Madeira, Scientific Director of ICTI@Portugal
- Luisa Coheur, INESC-ID, Instituto Superior Técnico
- José Carlos Medeiros, Porto Editora
Sala do Tribunal
Session E: Mathematics for Information and Communication
- Carlos Salema, Director of Instituto de Telecomunicações
- Miguel Rodrigues, IT, Universidade do Porto
- João Xavier, ISR, Instituto Superior Técnico
- Paulo Mateus, IT, Instituto Superior Técnico
15:45-16:00 Coffee Break
Salão Árabe
16:00-17:00 Roundtable Discussion: ICT-enabled Innovation
- Francisco Veloso, Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program
- Manuel Beja - Director for Innovation and Organizational Development at Novabase
- Artur Calado - Executive Director of Inova-Ria
- Eduardo Carqueja - CEO of Ndrive
17:00-17:30 Closing Remarks
- João Barros, Director of ICTI@Portugal
- José Fonseca de Moura, Director of ICTI@Carnegie Mellon
- João Sentieiro, President of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
- Manuel Heitor, State Secretary for Science, Technology and Higher Education
Pátio das Nações
17:30-18:00 Porto de Honra / Kick-off of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Summer Academy
(*) To be confirmed.
05 June 2009
First Annual Carnegie Mellon | Portugal Conference
Welcome to the First Annual Carnegie Mellon Portugal Conference
The First Annual Carnegie Mellon Portugal Conference, entitled “Economy 3.0: Re-Boot and Re-Connect” is sponsored by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and will take place on June 22, 2009, at Palácio da Bolsa, Porto, Portugal.
The current financial crisis has casted some doubt on the existing economic model. Rather than re-booting the system, leaders around the world must re-connect and work towards the growth of global innovation networks, capable of providing robust and sustainable solutions for our common future.
In this context, information and communication technologies have no doubt an important role to play, not only because they remove both geographic and cultural barriers, but also because they are basic building blocks in the search for technical solutions that ensure a more intelligent use of the resources of our planet (e.g. smart grids, vehicular networks, precision agriculture, etc.) and of the talents of our people (workflow software, social networks, personalized contents, etc.). Any increase in competitive advantage is necessarily tied to our ability to lead this search in focused areas of technological innovation. The goal of this conference is to identify some of these areas, from basic research to applications, actively promoting the formation of industrial and academic consortia capable of meeting the challenges of Economy 3.0.
The program includes:
- keynote address by Prof. Marvin Sirbu, Carnegie Mellon University
- presentation of a strategic document on the key focused areas of our program and announcement of the next open call for proposals
- research talks by CarnegieMellonPortugal faculty, researchers and MS/PhD students
- technical contributions by our industrial affiliates
- first results and demos by all teams of ongoing research projects
- welcome and closing addresses by senior government officials
- networking opportunities for students, faculty, researchers and industrial affiliates
Although conference admission is free of charge, we kindly ask you to fill a short registration form for planning purposes.
Students and Alumni should register and submit their poster topics until June 12, 2009. An online form is available here.
All other participants, please register until June 15, 2009. The form is available here.
More information in http://www.cmuportugal.org/conference2009/ .
04 June 2009
Carnegie Mellon|Portugal Summer Academy

W1 - Embodied Futures
W2 - Interaction Design for non-Designers
W3 - Agile Software Engineering (1 day + 1 day)
W4 - Service Modeling
W5 - Innovation, Entrepreneurship and ICT Policy (1 day + 1 day)
W6 - Videogame Development
DC - Doctoral Consortium (1 day)
June 23, from 9:00h to 18:00h
June 24, from 14:00h to 18:00h
June 25, from 9:00h to 18:00h
Event location
Hotel Ipanema Porto
Social venues
Welcome event - 22 June 2009 at Palácio da Bolsa (18.00h)
Closing Dinner - 25 June 2009 at Taylor’s Port Wine Cellars (19.30h)
02 May 2009
JUNE 22, 2009 Carnegie Mellon | Portugal Conference
Dear Members of the CarnegieMellon|Portugal Community:
This year's main event for our partnership is the CarnegieMellon|Portugal Conference to be held on MONDAY, JUNE 22, 2009 in Porto, Portugal. The chosen venue is the magnificient Palacio da Bolsa, right by the River Douro, in the heart of the World Heritage Site of Porto.
We expect the largest possible attendance by members of our community in Portugal and at Carnegie Mellon.
The main objectives of the event are to present current results to the general public and to set an ambitious research agenda for the future. The conference program shall include:
- presentation of a strategic document on the key focused areas of our program
- research talks by CarnegieMellon|Portugal faculty, researchers and MS/PhD students
- technical contributions by our industrial affiliates
- first results and demos by all teams of ongoing research projects
- welcome and closing addresses by senior government officials
- networking opportunities for students, faculty, researchers and industrial affiliates
More detailed information on the program will be forthcoming. Please send your ideas and suggestions to jbarros@cmuportugal.org.
With best regards,
The Leadership Team of the CarnegieMellon|Portugal Program
10 April 2009
Boa Páscoa!
When we come back from the Easter break, there will be more more news and stories. Stay tuned!