16 October 2008

"Stuff the Bus", College of Engineering toy drive

Carnegie Mellon's College of Engineering students host their annual toys for tots (kids) holiday campaign with former Steeler Jerome Bettis. The student toy drive, "Stuff the Bus," is expected to raise more than $1,000 to help purchase toys for needy children. Students will collect and send toys to local Marine Corps reserve units for distribution nationwide.

"Toys for Tots" was established in 1947 by the U.S. Marine Corps to help less-fortunate children during the holiday season.

1 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 16, WPXI Television, 4145 Evergreen Road, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15214


15 October 2008

Yahoo! VP Heck from Yahoo Labs, technical talk

Talk: "An Introduction to Yahoo! Labs," Friday October 17, 2008, 2:00pm - 3:00pm, 1305 NSH

Presenter: Larry Heck, Vice President
Search & Advertising Sciences, Yahoo! Labs

Abstract: Yahoo! Labs is the central advanced research and development organization of Yahoo! Inc., a leading global Internet brand and one of the most trafficked Internet destinations worldwide. We're responsible for innovating the Internet: all the way from the big invention through to deploying that invention into production. Our goals are nothing short of inventing the future of the Internet and creating the next generation of businesses for Yahoo! In this talk, I will give an overview of Yahoo! Labs and provide a glimpse into the technical problems we are working hard to solve. BIO: Dr. Larry Heck is Vice President of Search & Advertising Sciences at Yahoo. In this role, Dr. Heck leads the teams responsible for the scientific development and deployment of Yahoo search and monetization algorithms. He received the PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.

13 October 2008

Doctoral Career Path Seminar, Oct 21

CMU has a great grad programs office; they sponsor a lot of different activities. Coming up for doctoral students: Doctoral Career Path Seminar, "Doing Research Outside the Academy/ Consulting Careers," includes lunch, October 21, 12:00. This seminar will feature three industry insiders:

* Amelia Haviland, Statistician, Rand Corporation (PhD in Statistics and Public Policy);
* Antonio Fernandez, Engineering Consultant, Paul C. Rizzo Associates (PhD in Civil Engineering);
* David Nakles, Consultant, ENSR/AEComm and Adjunct Faculty, Steinbrenner Institute

To attend this seminar, register before Oct 17: http://education.andrew.cmu.edu/graduateprograms/graduate_program_registration.php

Mobot info session, Oct 14

Carnegie Mellon has a great "Mobot" tradition, mobile robots that race each other in the spring. This is why there are wavy white lines in front of Wean Hall, in case you were wondering! Whether you're an undergrad, grad, alum, faculty or staff member, you are invited to attend the Mobot Fall Open House, Tuesday, October 14, Wean Hall 5409. Eating of Nutritious Pizza at 6:00 pm. Talks start at 6:15 pm.


There will be presentations and discussions on the Mobot Competition and information on Mobot construction. Members of the Mobot Committee, the 2008 Course Record Champs, and representatives from the Carnegie Mellon Robotics Club will be available to answer any questions you have about the competition.

Cross-disciplinary teams are always welcome...and we mean ALL disciplines.

09 October 2008

Robotics celebration Oct 24-25

In conjunction with the university's homecoming celebration, the Robotics Institute (RI) will celebrate University Professor William L. (Red) Whittaker's 60th birthday and the 25th anniversary of the RI's Field Robotics Center, which he founded in the early 1980s. For a full schedule of the Oct. 24-25 program, visit http://fr25.org/.

08 October 2008

Dowd fellowships info, Oct 16

Dowd ICES fellowships support grad students who are conducting cutting-edge research on projects for which traditional sources of funding may not be available. Come find out more about this program at a seminar followed by a reception: October 16, 4:00pm, Singleton Room, Roberts Hall.

07 October 2008

CMU DSO event Oct 8, technology to developing countries

Carnegie Mellon's Development Solutions Organization (DSO) is hosting an event to introduce students to opportunities to work on impactful global projects and to build a community around this vision. Check website http://cmudso.org for more info. Wednesday, October 8, 5:00 - 6:30; Wean 5409. If you can't make all of it, drop in anytime to socialize. Food will be provided.